23rd September 2021
Present: Councillors Richard Dixon-Warren (Chairman), Derek Bailey (Vice Chairman),
Brian Blackbourn, Laura Leyland, Janine Rayfield, David Winn
Parish Clerk – Mrs Wendy Gray
1) Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements. Cllr Dixon-Warren welcomed everyone.
Cllr Dixon-Warren introduced the LCC Broadband Programme Manager, who attended to brief on Broadband connectivity, Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), the County perspective and, in particular, the possibility of gigabit capable broadband being provided in the parish. A lively and informative Q&A followed, with an offer of assistance with the project (should there be sufficient interest) from a member of the public.
2) Public Questions, Comments or Representations. None.
3) Apologies for Absence. None received.
4) SKDC/LCC/Parish Council/Police Update.
Police Update. Bourne and Billingborough Neighbourhood Policing Team did not attend but provided a useful update, hopefully a regular item from now on, which is on Parish Council website. Cllr Dixon-Warren updated on encouraging developments in Lincolnshire Police neighbourhood policing from his perspective as a member of the Police Independent Advisory Group, including being invited to Neighbourhood Policing meetings.
5) Disclosures of Interests. Cllr R Dixon-Warren (PCC Secretary), Cllr Bailey (Parish Land Tenant).
6) Minutes. To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 29th July 2021 be signed as a correct record.
Cllr Bailey enquired if rent for Plot 3/4 had been paid – Parish Clerk reported paid on 11th August 2021 – listed on Income and Expenditure report circulated. Cllr Bailey proposed, seconded Cllr Winn, all in agreement for Minutes to be signed.
7) Matters Arising from the Minutes of 29th July. None.
8) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received. No reports.
9) Budget and Invoices to be agreed for payment:
Budget. It was agreed that the budget for 2022-23 be considered and that once agreed, it be included in the Chairman's Annual Report at the Annual Meetings.
a) W Gray, Parish Clerk Expenses – £36.93
b) W Gray, Parish Clerk Salary – £146.54
Cllr Blackbourn proposed that invoices be paid, seconded by Cllr Rayfield, all in agreement.
Outstanding Debt. In 2020, the Council paid £360 for clearance of the 2018 burn site. The person responsible refused to reimburse this expense. The Council took advice but lacks staff and financial resources to follow up debt recovery courses advised. It decided to keep the debt open. Council reviewed this decision and considered its options. Cllr Bailey proposed and Cllr Rayfield seconded the debt be written off, agreed by a majority.
Income Received since last meeting:
a) Shooting Rights – £31.00
b) Allotment Rent – £240.00
c) LCC Grass Cutting Contribution – £96.74
10) Planning Applications Update. No new applications received.
11) Risk Assessment. It was agreed to highlight 'Fix My Street' online facility (https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/) and to flag the website entry. Risk assessment for Parish Land to be investigated – Cllr Dixon-Warren.
12) Business Items:
a) Casual Vacancy. Advert placed in Village Life – pending.
b) Parish Land. Develop plan for autumn maintenance (hedges and dykes).
* Remediation of a boundary ditch (Plots 3/4 – 6).
* Clearance of remaining spoil (Plots 1/2).
* Consider laying hedge between Plots 1/2 and 3/4.
* Approach contractor and provide Council with estimated costs – Cllrs Bailey and Blackbourn
* Organise a Parish Land 'walkabout' one weekend in October – Cllr Dixon-Warren.
c) Grass Cutting Tender. Draft tender notice was considered, decided to adopt a more targeted approach.
d) Platinum Jubilee 2-5 June 2022. It was agreed that the Council would not organise a parish event but would support individually arranged celebrations.
e) BDUK Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme. It was agreed to follow up with LCC for more detail (especially cost, grants / subsidies available, and contract) in order to ascertain the level of interest in the prospect of increased connectivity in the parish. Cllr Dixon-Warren to contact LCC Broadband Manager.
f) Transfer of Responsibility for Churchyard Maintenance. Cllr Dixon-Warren briefed that the PCC is aware of the Council's position on taking over responsibility for the closed churchyard. Engagement with PCC and SKDC is required to define what needs to be done and when responsibility might be assumed. Discussion included the contract for maintenance and the possibility / feasibility of a wildflower haven.
g) Online Banking. Cllr Dixon-Warren updated on progress. He will follow up on gaining visibility of fund activity for Chairman and Vice Chairman
13) Any Other Business. Cllr Winn requested an up-to-date contact list. Parish Clerk to circulate.
14) Date of Next Meeting. Thursday 18th November 2021 at 7:15 pm in Hare & Hounds Public House.
15) Closed Session. Not required.
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm