14th January 2021

Haconby & Stainfield Parish Council Meeting
on Thursday 14th January 2021
A remote meeting on Zoom video conferencing commencing at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Richard Dixon-Warren (Chairman) Brian Blackbourn (Vice Chairman)
Derek Bailey, David Winn, Janine Rayfield, Paul Smart
Parish Clerk – Mrs Wendy Gray
1 member of the public requested to join the meeting
1) Chairman’s Introduction, Announcements.  Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, outlined Zoom procedures, invited member of public to outline Government framework for grass maintenance.
2) Public Questions, Comments or Representations. None.
3) Apologies for Absence. Cllr P Dixon-Warren, Police
4) Updates – LCC/SKDC/Parish Council/Police.
a) LCC Update:  No update received.
b) SKDC Update:  No update received.
c) Police: No update received.  Note PCC’s ‘Safer Together’ Team (Cllr Dixon-Warren – there is something for us to follow up).  Interesting to see how will work with Lincolnshire Police.  Note no telephone number in contact details.
5) Disclosures of Interests.  Cllr Bailey (11(a) ii) Tenant, Cllr R Dixon-Warren (12e) Secretary of PCC.  Dispensation agreed for comments.  
6) Minutes.  To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 23rd November and Extraordinary meeting held on 18th December 2020 be signed as a correct record.  Cllr Smart proposed, seconded Cllr Blackbourn, all in agreement.
7) Matters arising from the Minutes 23rd November and 18th December 2020.  None.
8) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received.
Update on income and expenditure to date – spreadsheet circulated to all Councillors via email.
PCC Safer Together.
9) Budget and Invoices to be agreed for payment.  
Invoices 14th January 2021:
Parish Clerk Salary & Expenses – £221.24
Council agreed to defer approval to give Councillors more time to consider details. (Approved by email – ratify at next Council meeting).
Cllr R Dixon-Warren offered to prepare one page ‘Financial Bulletin’ showing income/expenditure for website for beginning of financial year.  Cllr Bailey advised draft in Word or PDF.
Income Received:  
£95.53 Lincolnshire County Council (grass cutting)
£20.00 Mrs Pinder (additional rent)
£515.00 Mr Woolley (2nd half rent)
10) Planning Applications Update:
S20/1851 – Update from P Lifford (SKDC) re 44 Chapel Street – application due to be considered at a future planning committee meeting. Parish Council and all persons who have submitted representations will be notified in due course of date and details.
S20/1892 – Application approved.
11) Risk Assessment:
Report produced in November 2020 is very comprehensive.
Overhanging trees and vegetation – ongoing work to arrange to have cut back.
Road sweeper has been sent out.
Main Road has now been re-tarmacked.
12) Business Items:
a) Precept 2021-22:
It was proposed that we request the same amount as last year £1,630.  Cllr Bailey proposed, seconded Cllr Smart all in agreement.
b) Parish Land:
i) Policy, tenancy changes, maintenance and tenants’ issues.  Cllr Blackbourn questioned how to proceed.  Consider get someone to come in regularly to clear certain parts.  Cllr R Dixon-Warren – lot of work has been done but long way from getting to where we want to be.  Consider another Parish Land walkabout. Recommendation – decide what needs to be done and whose responsibility.  Council needs to decide Council and tenants’ responsibilities. Cllr Winn – suggest ask LCC advice on what they will do, send to Ward Councillor if necessary.  
Cllr Blackbourn – tree stump by Plot 9 / A15 may be a hazard. (Photograph and seek Highways opinion).
Bush in dyke on border Plots 5B / 6 / 7 – discuss responsibility for removal.  (Cllr Blackbourn agreed to ask Henry to look at it and give a price).
ii) Maintenance schedule – agreed a very good document.  (Council develop within calendar of events).
iii) Application for change of use – superseded, no discussion necessary.
c) Parish Contracts:
Confirm renewal of current agreement with LCC on ‘Urban Highway’ grass cutting – respond by 15 January.  No objections. (Parish Clerk to notify LCC that we wish to continue in scheme).
Consider putting ‘Urban Highway’ grass cutting out to tender, not including churchyard until responsibility for maintenance formally taken on.  Continue to subsidise cost of churchyard maintenance as previously agreed (£ 420 in 2020).  Highways grass cutting – contract on a rolling renewal, a range of other options available.  Cllr Bailey suggested it is too difficult to action a tendering process at the moment, go with what is simple.  Cllr Blackbourn supported this.  (Council postpone discussion to January 2022).
Review Tenancy agreements: (Parish Clerk to renew, invoice, and adjust as required)
Plots 1 / 2 – discussed situation, wet weather has hindered clearance.  Hand over tenancies as soon as practical.  Confirmed agreement to erect fences, linked to erection of gates, investigate costs.
Plots 3 / 4 – notice given, agree to application for new tenant.
Plot 5A – agree to advertise vacancy.
Plots 5C / D – continue with contracts.
Notice of rent review in 2022.  Need to give 12 months’ notice.  (Council decide at next meeting).
d) Communications:
Cllr Bailey – comment on responding to comments on Facebook.  Consensus confirmed that Council will not respond other than to comments on Parish Councillors’ Facebook.  Parish Magazine – suggest Council input.  Please forward thoughts to Clerk.
e) Transfer of Responsibility for Churchyard Maintenance.
Cllr R Dixon-Warren raised this issue at PCC meeting on Tuesday 12 January.  Rector has sought opinion from Lincoln Diocese.  Council consensus not happy to move forward with churchyard in current state – crack in wall, tree roots.  Discussion on what is required – repointing or repair.  Note that south wall gate is going to be replaced.  
(Cllr R Dixon-Warren will forward response from Diocese to Council).
13) Any other Business.  
Cllr R Dixon-Warren referred to draft design of Wyer Close plaque circulated previously.  Approved by all.  (Cllr Blackbourn will thank him).
Cllr R Dixon-Warren – minute thanks to SKDC for response to fly tipping in our area and keeping A15 layby pretty clean.
Cllr R Dixon-Warren – replacement tree on the green to be a Sweet Chestnut, planted sometime in March.
Cllr R Dixon-Warren – will resign as Chairman of the Parish Council at Annual Meeting in May 2021.
Cllr Blackbourn – re Sweet Chestnut Tree, consider permission, insurance, maintenance and grass cutting.  Cllr R Dixon-Warren – the Council has taken no part in this other than funding and arranging for previous Horse Chestnut Tree to be cut down for public safety reasons.  It has no responsibility for the green other than grass cutting, which it contracts out on behalf of and in agreement with LCC.
14) Date of Next Meeting.  Wednesday 10th March 2021 – Remote Meeting commencing 7 pm on Zoom.
15) Contingency Planning.   No items to discuss – no closed session required.
The meeting closed at 9.13 pm.