13th November 2019


Haconby and Stainfield Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 13th November 2019 Commencing at 7.15pm



Present: Councillors Richard Dixon-Warren (Chairman), Brian Blackbourn (Vice Chairman)

Philippa Dixon-Warren, Janine Rayfield, Derek Bailey


Parish Clerk – Mrs Wendy Gray


No members of the public were in attendance


1. Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements.  Chairman welcomed everyone to meeting.  He highlighted Council expenditure so far in 2019 and the need to look carefully at future financial commitments in 2020 and beyond.


2. Public Questions, Comments or Representations. None. 


3. Apologies for Absence. Cllr David Winn.


4. Police Report.  Neighbourhood Police Panel remains suspended for the time being until Neighbourhood Police Team starts to engage with the public.


5. Updates – LCC/SKDC/Parish Council.


a) LCC Update.  Parish Council expressed thanks to Cllr Hill for furbishing map re tree.  Cllr Hill highlighted the LCC monthly newsletter and reported trying to do audit of drains and gulleys.  Blocked drains in village (Big Clean) cleared water to a degree – do Big Clean contact highways if there are any issues – Cllr Hill hoped they would.  Any flooding issues LCC responsibility – issue with drains opposite Cllr Rayfield’s (been reported) – Cllr Hill will follow up with Highways.


b) SKDC Update.  No update.


6. Disclosures of Interests.  Cllr R Dixon-Warren (13e) – dispensation agreed for comment.


7. Risk Assessments.  Discuss at working group – currently not updated.  Rota system suggested – Parish Clerk to draft.  Support with a map on which to mark risks – Cllr R Dixon-Warren will produce map. 


8. Minutes.  To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 11th September 2019 be signed as a correct record.  Cllr Blackbourn proposed, seconded Cllr Rayfield, all in agreement.


9. Matters arising from the Minutes 11th September 2019.  None / on agenda.

Misdirection of Mail – Parish Clerk to discuss with SKDC updating Street Signs.


10. Administrative Report and Correspondence Received.

Update on income and expenditure.  Precept details just in – response by 17 January 2020.  Agenda Item for meeting on 15 January 2020.


11. Invoices to be agreed for payment


New invoices:

Parish Clerk Salary - £138.74

Parish Clerk Expenses - £53.03

HM Revenue & Customs - £34.60

Community Cleaner - £131.36/Grass cutting £45.00

LALC AGM and Conference - £20.00

B Blackbourn Grass and Hedge cutting Parish Lane - £85.00

R Dixon-Warren (RBL Wreath) - £17.00


All above agreed, and signed off by Cllr R Dixon-Warren and Cllr Blackbourn.


Income Received:  

SKDC Community Cleaner (2nd Half) - £426.92


12. Planning Applications Update.  No new applications received.  SKDC will update using a new planning list.


13. Business Items:

a) Claim.  See 14 below.

b) Parish Councillor Vacancy.  Agreed to re-advertise in New Year.  Afternote: interest registered, for discussion on 15 January 2020.

c) Haconby ‘Green’.  Council noted potential options for the future of the Green.

d) Parish Land.

i) Plot 10.  Await follow up to expression of interest in purchase.  Courtesy holding response to be sent to LCC.

ii) Garden Allotments. Nothing happening, clean and tidy, in good state. 

iii) January Agenda (Review of all Tenancies). Walk about in New Year to identify maintenance required and update on progress of work programmes.  Need to let tenants know prior to reviewing all tenancy agreements.

e) Transfer of Responsibility for Churchyard Maintenance.  Noted that assumption of responsibility means an increase in expenditure – effect on budget and precept requirement to be discussed and explained to parishioners and Parish Land tenants.  Consensus was to keep within the parish and take on responsibility.  Circulate resolution for decision by e-mail by all Cllrs, pending Parish Clerk contacting District Cllr P Moseley to find out what happens if SKDC takes on responsibility.

f) Precept.  To be discussed and agreed at January 2020 meeting.


14. Any other Business

13(a) Understand financial implications (informed) discussion – date to be confirmed.  Proposed Cllr Blackbourn, seconded Cllr Bailey all in agreement that the Council move into Closed Session, to exclude public from confidential discussion/resolution.


15. Date of Next Meeting.  Change to scheduled date now Wednesday 15th January 2020 – 7.15 pm in the Hare & Hounds Public House.  Working Group meeting date TBC.


The meeting closed at 9.24 pm.


16. Closed Session.  Confidential discussion on claim against the Parish Council.