Minutes - 13th January 2022

Present: Councillors Richard Dixon-Warren (Chairman), Derek Bailey (Vice Chairman),
Brian Blackbourn, Laura Leyland, David Winn, Parish Clerk Wendy Gray
1) Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements.  Cllr Dixon-Warren welcomed everyone to the meeting – advising that Safer Together Co-ordinator had apologised but was unable to attend this meeting.
2) Public Questions, Comments or Representations.  None – 2 members of the public present.
3) Apologies for Absence.  PCSO J Possnett, 
4) LCC/SKDC/Parish Council/Police Update.  No LCC, SKDC, Police.
5) Disclosures of Interests. Cllr R Dixon-Warren (PCC Secretary), Cllr Bailey (Parish Land Tenant).
6) Minutes. To resolve that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 18th November 2021 be signed as a correct record.  
Cllr Bailey proposed, Cllr Leyland seconded, all agreed that Minutes be signed.
7) Matters Arising from the Minutes of 18th November 2021.  None.
8) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received.  
9) Invoices.  Discuss and resolve payment and ratification as required.
Parish Clerk salary £183.34
Parish Clerk expenses £22.50
HMRC (April to December 2021) £163.80
Cllr Bailey proposed above payments are made, seconded Cllr Winn, all in favour.
Income Received since last meeting: SKDC 2nd Community Cleaner payment £463.32.
10) Planning Applications Update. No new applications received.
11) Risk Assessment.  Risk assessment for Parish Land pending – Cllr Dixon-Warren.  Other issues reported on Fix My Street – information on website.
12) Business Items:
a) Budget and Precept 2022-2023.  Cllr Bailey had produced Budget for discussion.  It was unanimously agreed that we request a Precept figure of £1679 (an increase of 3%) based on last year’s figure.  
Proposed Cllr Bailey, seconded Cllr Blackbourn, all in agreement.
b) Virtual/Hybrid Council Meetings – Legislation.  Cllr Dixon-Warren to write to Gareth Davies MP to advise that Haconby & Stainfield Parish Council members are all in favour of having the flexibility to hold virtual meetings as an alternative to ‘face to face’.
c) Casual Vacancy.  No update.
d) Parish Land.  Plots 1 and 2 are looking good, Cllr Blackbourn to pass on our thanks to tenant.
We did not do Parish Land walkabout – perhaps we could arrange sometime in January to see what needs doing (Cllr Bailey/Blackbourn plan for Maint/Development.  Some rubbish still needs to be cleared away and hedge cutting planned.  Cllr Blackbourn advised work still needs to be done (need to get on with it) i.e. get contractor and get work done.
Parish Land is a major source of income for the Parish land we are getting better and better at managing it – as we do more work – requirement to do more.  Helpful to keep in touch with the tenant(s).  Parish Council need to make sure tenants are reminded of what needs doing.
e) Grass Cutting and Community Cleaner Tender.  Grass cutting – Parish Clerk to contact JK Cutting (John Kirby) and Ray Male (Morton) to see if they wish to tender.
Community Cleaner.   Leave post unfilled for now.  Clerk to obtain pickers etc. from SKDC.  Review at next Council meeting, look seriously at organising Council events around the village.
f) BDUK Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme.  Cllr Dixon-Warren following up for an update – answer received first time did not provide information required to make a decision.
g) Transfer of Responsibility for Churchyard Maintenance.  No change, no update.  Churchyard needs to be up to standard before the Council can take responsibility for maintenance.  Cllr Dixon-Warren will follow up on tree inspections with SKDC.
h) Online Banking.  Complicated form to look at – Cllr Dixon-Warren will continue to try to sort – work in progress.
13) Any Other Business.
Cllr Winn – ‘Nextdoor’ – neighbour raised general point on social media.  It was noted that the Council uses its website and Facebook to communicate with the Parish.
14) Date of Next Meeting.  Thursday 10th March 2022 at 7:15 pm in Hare & Hounds Public House.
Meeting Dates for remainder of year: Thursday 5th May, Thursday 14th July, Thursday 15th September, Thursday 10th November.  List of dates given to Hare & Hounds.
15) Closed Session.  Not required. Meeting closed at 8.20 pm