16th January 2019


Haconby and Stainfield Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 16th January 2019 Commencing at 7.15pm


Present: Councillors David Winn (Chairman), Derek Bailey, Brian Blackbourn, Janine Rayfield,Richard Dixon-Warren (Vice-Chairman)Parish Clerk – Mrs Wendy Gray
No members of the public were in attendance
1) Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements. Chairman welcomed everyone to meeting.
2) Apologies for Absence. Cllrs J Blackbourn, P Dixon-Warren, District Cllr P Moseley, and PCSO.
3) Police/PCSO Report/Neighbourhood Policing Update. The next meeting of the Bourne and District Neighbourhood Watch Association will take place at the Elsea Park Community Centre, Bourne on Monday 21st January commencing at 7 pm.
4) LCC Update. Cllr Hill not in attendance, no report received.
5) SKDC Update. Report received via email. There are no specific issues, but bringing grounds maintenance into the councils operation is progressing well, and our enforcement officers have been randomly attending villages with a view to cracking down on dog fouling and littering.
6) Disclosures of Interests. Cllr R Dixon-Warren item 13d – request agreed for Cllr R Dixon-Warren as secretary of PCC to give report. Cllr D Bailey 13 c.
7) Risk Assessments. Need to update, allocate area to Cllr Rayfield. Hall Road near bus shelter, trees etc. – Little Clean? Work on fen road has now been done, potholes to Stainfield have been done. Lakeland House slight subsidence outside property.
8) Minutes.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 14th November 2018 be signed as a correct record. Cllr B Blackbourn proposed, seconded Cllr R Dixon-Warren, all in favour.
9) Matters arising from the Minutes – On agenda.
10) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received.
SKDC – grounds maint work to be carried out by EnvironmentSK a private company wholly owned by the District Council.
a) Request for up to date maps of verges
b) Note inclusion of maintenance of closed churchyards – invite EnvironmentSK to quote for cost maintaining St Andrew’s closed churchyard to inform decision on transfer of maintenance responsibility.
11) Invoices to be agreed for payment.
Parish Clerk Salary £138.74
Parish Clerk Expenses - £39.84
Community Cleaner - £140.94
Longstaff (Tenancy Agreements) - £900.00
Ray ?? - £55.00
Income Received:
Parish Land Rent - £60.00
12) Planning Applications Update. None.
13) Business Items:
a) Haconby ‘Green’ and Horse Chestnut Tree. Response to Clerk’s letter to LCC chasing clarification awaited. Cllr B Blackbourn asked Clerk to find out if SKDC has any funds left in its SKDC Grant / Community Fund. Report on tree’s condition needed. Agreed that a follow up note to LCC on responsibility for the tree be written.
b) Maintenance. Post on facebook re maint (whilst A15 Closed) i.e. damage to verge on Haconby Lane – request for LCC to reinstate. Bus Shelter (LCC Ward Member Grant), SKDC Little Clean to clear area.
c) Parish Land.
i) Update on points arising from Parish Council walkabout on 13th January 2019 and resolve action as required. Agreed to send a note to tenants outlining maintenance that needs to be done with a deadline of the end of March 2019. Discussion on Environment Agency advice on burning pallets – incident report.
ii) Discuss Parish Land meeting on 13th February 2019 and resolve action as required. 13th February confirmed commencing at 7 pm – all tenants to be invited to attend. Calling notice to be sent.
iii) Update on ‘missing acre’ and resolve action as required. Agreed that a reminder be sent to Cllr Hill at LCC.
d) Transfer of responsibility for Churchyard Maintenance. Will be discussed at next PCC meeting on 17 January to bring new Rector up to speed. Statutory 3 months’ notice commences on 20 August 2019 – Parish Council to put marker in diary to discuss and decide. Quote from EnvironmentSK will inform discussion.
e) GDPR Compliance. Resolve to contact CAPALC to see if can take on board – Cllr R Dixon-Warren proposed, seconded Cllr D Bailey, all in agreement.
f) Budget/Precept. Update – resolve to determine Precept for 2019/2020. Cllr D Bailey proposed we ask for a 2% increase, seconded Cllr B Blackbourn, all in agreement.
14) Resolve whether the Council move into closed session. Cllr R Dixon-Warren proposed move into closed session, Cllr B Blackbourn seconded all in agreement.
15) Parish Land. Update on legal advice taken and resolve action as required. Update delivered and discussed, action agreed.
16) Any other Business. Items for next meeting and issues/point arising from discussion for future discussion/resolution. Are we going to ask Mr Sneath to do more Grass cutting plus dyke and some of PC footpath as well? Cllr B Blackbourn to contact Mr Sneath.
17) Date of Next Meeting. Wednesday 20th March 2019 – 7.15 pm in the Hare & Hounds Public House. Working Group TBC.
The meeting closed at 9.07 p.m.