APM 1st May 2018



7:00 PM TUESDAY 1ST MAY 2018

Present: Councillors David Winn (Chairman), Derek Bailey, Brian Blackbourn, Jonny Blackbourn, Philippa Dixon-Warren, Richard Dixon-Warren, Wendy Gray (Parish Clerk)

1 member of the public was in attendance

1. Chairman’s Introduction. Cllr Winn welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Police / PCSO Report / Neighbourhood Policing Update. PCSO Jason Possnett in attendance (in absence of PCSO S Brommell). Speeding issues on back road from Morton to Haconby. Haconby & Stainfield do not appear to have any major issues (other than recent bout of Hare Coursing). Neighbourhood Panel met on 3rd April, looking to support Community Speedwatch Programme. 3. Apologies for Absence. Parish Cllr C Gutsell, PCSO S Brommell, District Cllr P Moseley.

4. Approval of APM 2017 Minutes. Cllr R Dixon-Warren proposed, Cllr B Blackbourn seconded, all in favour that the above minutes be signed as a true and accurate record.

5. Reports:

a) Chairman’s Report for 2017-18 – see end of minutes.

b) Annual Accounts 2017-18

1) Approve Annual Governance Statement – Cllr B Blackbourn proposed, Cllr R DixonWarren seconded, all in favour statement is approved.

2) Consider Accounting Statements – Parish Clerk advised that income carried over was higher due to 2 cheques not being presented for payment and now out of date – an explanation of this will be given to the External Auditors and that the Parish Council will be looking at honouring these payments in the next financial year. Cllr B Blackbourn proposed, Cllr J Blackbourn seconded.

3) Resolve to approve Accounting Statements – Cllr P Dixon-Warren proposed, Cllr J Blackbourn seconded, all in favour that Accounting Statements are approved.

4) Sign and date Accounting Statement – Interim Chairman and Parish Clerk.

6. Public Questions, Comments or Representations. Resident enquired about notice concerning overhanging hedges/shrubbery – on the outside of his property there is a hedge which he has trimmed back as far as possible but there is a slight overhang onto the pathway, the pathway can still be used (large enough for pushchairs) but if he cuts anymore off the hedge will die. The Parish Council thanked the resident for observing the notice and the work he has done to alleviate any problems. Question re state of potholes – Cllr P Dixon-Warren reported that she had spoken to LCC Highways about pothole repair to stress the road safety issue. She was advised that a higher priority is accorded to school bus routes and that this will be looked into.

7. Conclusion. The meeting closed at 19.38 pm.

Haconby & Stainfield Parish Council – Chairman’s Report, 2017/18 Annual Parish Meeting 1 May 2018 It has been another busy year for the Parish Council and much has been achieved. We welcomed Charlotte Gutsell and Derek Bailey, who were co-opted onto the Council in May 2017, and Wendy Gray, who was appointed Parish Clerk in September 2017. Haconby with Stainfield Parochial Church Council - The past year has seen a welcome return to closer liaison and working with the PCC. Councillors and community worked together to clear up the churchyard, and the two councils work increasingly closely for the benefit of the parish. Routine business has continued unabated:

Financial - Financially, the Parish Council remains in the black, but we cannot be complacent. We reviewed projected income and expenditure and decided to increase the precept by the current rate of inflation (2.9 %) for 2018-19. The review of allotment policy and income is nearing its end and rents have been increased to be more consistent with commercial realities. The Parish Council’s budget strategy has, as promised last year, been made more transparent.

Police - The civil parish remains a low crime area. The attendance of PCSOs to brief on Police activity is always welcome. The Bourne & Billingborough Neighbourhood Police Panel has been revitalised and our engagement in this group continues.

Parish Emergency Plan - The Parish Emergency Plan was informally reviewed in July and remains accessible on the Parish website. It was not activated for ‘The Beast from the East’ and will be reviewed again in July. Neighbourhood Plan - The Parish Council continues to maintain a ‘watching brief’ on the Aveland Neighbourhood Plan.

Continuing workstreams include: Codes of Conduct/Standing Orders & Policies - The Council has reviewed, revised and updated its Parish Information and Policy Guide. This will be adopted at the Annual Parish Council Meeting. I would like to pass my and the Council's thanks to Councillor Dixon-Warren for all his hard work in updating the many documents into workable policies

Communication with the Parish Community - Councillor Philippa Dixon-Warren’s Haconby & Stainfield Parish Councillors Facebook group continues to inform the parish, linked to former Councillor Beth Cruft’s Haconby & Stainfield Facebook page

Parish Land (formerly Allotments) - The Parish Land policy review has consulted with tenants and is nearing completion. New contracts are anticipated in May. The intent of the review remains to ensure that the allotments are let for the benefit of the community, in conjunction with the Parish financial policy. I would like to pass my and the Council’s thanks to Councillor Blackbourn for his work and that of other parishioners in fitting the gate to secure the entrance to the Parish Land.

Horse Chestnut Tree - The Haconby tree’s 120th birthday was celebrated last summer. Its repair and maintenance following the branch breaking off in 2016 is a continuing focus for the Council.

Telephone Box - BT removed the Telephone Box without warning or consultation despite the Council bidding to adopt it. There was a limited public response to this and it was decided that no further action need be taken.

Bus Shelter - The Haconby bus shelter still needs work to bring it up to a satisfactory standard. This is an ongoing project – funds will need to be found to complete it.

I tender my thanks to: Parish, District and County Councillors who have supported this essential part of the structure of local democracy and its vital role in acting on behalf of the community it represents over the past year. PCSOs from our Neighbourhood Policing Team who attend Parish Council meetings when operational pressures permit. Derek and Mary Holmes for the continued use of the ‘Hare and Hounds’ restaurant for our meetings. Councillors and parishioners who gave up their free time to help tidy the A15 layby. The Parish Council has developed a positive ‘can do’ attitude over the past year and is working its way through its ‘to do’ list. The aim remains to continue to work diligently to represent the local community, delivering services to meet local needs where possible, and improving quality of life and community well-being.

D Winn, Chairman