25th July 2018
Present: Councillors David Winn (Chairman), Derek Bailey, Brian Blackbourn, Philippa Dixon-Warren, Richard Dixon-Warren (Vice-Chairman) Parish Clerk – Mrs Wendy Gray
Also in attendance – County Cllr Martin Hill, District Cllr Peter Moseley, PC Jason Possnett and 1 member of the public
Parish Clerk agreed to publish list of meeting dates on the website.
1) Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements. Chairman welcomed everyone to meeting.
2) Apologies for Absence. Cllr J Blackbourn
3) Police/PCSO Report/Neighbourhood Policing Update. PCSO Jason Possnett reported 1 anti-social behaviour and 1 criminal damage. PCSO’s to be given powers to issue speeding tickets. Possibility of joint Community Speedwatch with Morton, also possibility of “accompanied horse or Pony” signs along Haconby Lane. Next Neighbourhood Meeting scheduled for 31st July.
4) LCC Update. Cllr Hill reported notice issued yesterday (Parish Council advised already moved on). Update given on road works planned and verge cutting, and what is going on within LCC. Questions from Parish Council - any update from LCC on the Green and Allotment – Parish Clerk will copy over again original emails and copy letters for Cllr Hill to follow up.
5) SKDC Update. Cllr Moseley provided update on events within SKDC – election year 2019. Haconby being entered for “Best Kept Village”, grounds maintenance would be brought back in-house in 2019 providing additional flexibility. Cllr Winn raised issue of dog fouling and consideration for more signs and an additional bin at the eastern edge of the village.
6) Disclosures of Interests. Cllr D Bailey 13(d) observe on 1,2 and 4. Cllr R Dixon-Warren item 13(e).
7) Risk Assessments.
8) Minutes. a) To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 1 st May 2018 be signed as a correct record. Cllr R Dixon-Warren proposed, seconded Cllr P DixonWarren, all in favour. 9) Matters Arising from the Minutes – 1 st May 2018. Overgrown trees (large vehicles hitting branches) 2 Bus Shelter – letter to resident. 10) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received.
11) Invoices to be agreed for payment. Cllr P Dixon-Warren proposed and Cllr B Blackbourn seconded that payments be approved, all in favour:
Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk salary - £138.74/Expenses £47.80 (£186.54)
David Knibbs, Community Cleaner - £172.26/Grass Cutting £50.00 (£222.26)
Paul Taylor, Internal Audit - £100.00
LALC – Training £25.00/Underpayment Subs £27.12 (£52.12)
TN Sneath – Grass Mowing Parish Land - £576.00
B Blackbourn – parts for Parish Land Gate - £61.91
Income Received: Mr Tollerfield (Allotment) - £30.00
12) Planning Applications Update. S18/1080 –Demolition of garage and utility and erection of two storey and single storey side extensions. Parish Council have no observations to make. Notification from resident re planning application being submitted – Parish Council grateful for explanation and await receipt of planning application. South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036 – Main Modifications Consultation – from 16th July to 28th August 2018.
13) Business Items:
a) Resignation. Resignation from Charlotte Gutsell (accepted), Cllr Winn emailed and thanked her for her contribution to the Council. Notice re vacancy to be drawn up and put on noticeboards.
b) Haconby Horse Chestnut Tree. LCC contacted re the green – response awaited.
c) Maintenance. Schedule next couple weeks – cutting of green.
d) Parish Land. Discussions of where we are – proposed we go with what agents say/recommend – if tenant not happy to sign instigate 1 years notice. Cllr Blackbourn, happy in principle to accept, Cllr Winn seconded, all in favour (Cllr Bailey abstained). Two further requests received – both individuals to be contacted and arrangements to view what land is still available.
e) Churchyard Maintenance. PCC resolved to ask for maint responsibility to be taken on by local council, note from secretary of PCC that they are requesting that Parish Council take on the maint for the churchyard. PCC to get churchyard into good condition before anyone expected to take over. Do we as a Parish Council want to be responsible or pass out to SKDC? Parish Clerk to contact SKDC to enquire about possible taking over of maintenance.
f) Road Safety. 6 Signs received – need to be put up.
g) Communications. Working Group – Cllr Bailey proposed, seconded Cllr R Dixon-Warren that this meeting is deferred until further notice.
h) Neighbourhood Plan. No further update.
i) GDPR Compliance.
1) To develop a Data Map for subsequent adoption.
2) To adopt the LALC proposed Data Protection Policy, Subject Access Request Procedure, Data Breach Policy, Records Retention Policy and Privacy Notices (previously circulated).
3) To complete Security Compliance Checklists from all councillors.
4) To investigate Council registration as a Data Controller with the ICO and if necessary, to resolve that the Council registers with the ICO and pays the relevant Data Protection Fee. It was proposed Cllr R Dixon-Warren, seconded Cllr Winn that item (i) 1 to 4 be deferred until further information is available following meeting to be attended by Parish Clerk in Peterborough.
14) Any Other Business. Items for next meeting and issues / points arising from discussion for future discussion / resolution – None. Next Working Group meeting 4 th September 2018.
15) Date of Next Meeting. To be agreed (Wednesday 19 th September) – 7.15 pm in the Hare & Hounds Public House
The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m