9th January 2018





Present: Councillors David Winn (Chairman), Derek Bailey, Brian Blackbourn, Jonny Blackbourn, Philippa Dixon-Warren, Richard Dixon-Warren, Charlotte Gutsell County Councillor Martin Hill (arrived at Item 14c), District Councillor Dr Peter Moseley

No members of the public were in attendance

1) Chairman’s Introduction and Announcements – Cllr Winn welcomed all to the meeting.

2) Apologies for Absence – Wendy Gray (Parish Clerk – Cllrs R and P Dixon-Warren to take notes), PC Claire Wilson, Community Beat Manager (no Police representation available).

3) Police / PCSO Report / Neighbourhood Policing Update – Cllr R Dixon-Warren (Chairman Bourne & Billingborough Neighbourhood Police Panel) briefed that PCSOs are pulling over cyclists with no lights and / or high-visibility clothing, as per one of two priorities.

4) Public Questions, Comments or Representations – Cllr Gutsell reported a complimentary comment about the Parish noticeboard.

5) LCC Update – Cllr Hill briefed after Item 14 c:

a) A response to the request for confirmation of LCC’s maintenance of the village green had been provided as requested. Cllr Winn requested that the response be amended to specify maintenance for a minimum of 12 years, to meet a HM Land Registry stipulation. Cllr Hill undertook to arrange this. Cllr Winn also requested that SKDC’s contribution to village green grass cutting be confirmed. Action: Parish Clerk.

b) Haconby Fen Road – temporary patching carried out. Cllrs noted that despite this, the road is crumbling in several places along the stretch just west of Middle Farm. Cllr Hill acknowledged that further repairs are required.

c) Cllr Bailey asked if LCC road sweeping was restricted to roads with kerbs. Cllr Hill responded that it was not and highlighted the acquisition of an additional road sweeper.

d) Cllr P Dixon-Warren highlighted damage to the verges of Stainfield Road because of the diversion directed by the roadworks in Morton. Cllr Hill acknowledged this observation.

6) SKDC Update – update from Cllr Moseley, who highlighted the following and then left:

a) Recent criminal activity in Rippingale, noting proximity to Haconby, and suggested appropriate precautions, including not posting absences on social media.

b) The change in leadership in April 2017, which has led to more ‘Member driven’ focus, investment to build support, and an active overview, particularly of village communities.

c) The ‘Big Clean’, an initiative that he had planned and run, and for which he remained responsible. The aim remains a ‘spick and span’ District. A District ‘Best Kept Village’ competition will be run in conjunction with the CPRE. Cllrs requested notice of future ‘Big Clean’ activity in Haconby and Stainfield to mobilise local support.

d) Planning for a ‘Designer Outlet Village’ in Grantham, work starting on a new multiplex cinema complex in Grantham, and SKDC support for rural business through ‘InvestSK’.

7) Disclosures of Interests – None.

8) Risk Assessments.

a) Cllr Bailey noted a subsiding kerb on West Road.

b) Cllr R Dixon-Warren noted that potholes and subsidence have been reported to LCC and recorded on the LCC website.

c) The damaged wall on Main Street was raised for attention.

d) Cllr P Dixon-Warren observed that the roadworks in Morton and consequent diversion will damage Stainfield Road and its verges. It was agreed that this, Hacconby Drove and the Main Street wall be brought to the attention of LCC. Action: Parish Clerk.

9) Minutes. It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Council meeting held on 7 November 2017 be signed as a correct record – proposed by Cllr B Blackbourn, seconded by Cllr P Dixon-Warren, all in favour.

10) Matters Arising from the Minutes – 7 November 2017. None. 1

1) Administrative Report and Correspondence Received. Cllr R Dixon-Warren briefed on the Clerk’s behalf:

a) NALC Standing Orders – updated version issued and then withdrawn.

b) ‘Good Councillors’ Guide’ – available in hard copy (£ 4.00 each) and electronically on NALC website, free to Cllrs attending training courses.

c) General Data Protection Regulations – legislation to be introduced on 25 May 2018, briefings ongoing, concern that smaller parishes may not be able to cope with the requirements. It was agreed that a briefing at the next working group meeting would be useful, and that LALC guidance would be useful. Action: Parish Clerk.

d) Notification of External Auditor Appointments for 2018 – PFK Littlejohn LLP has been appointed for Lincolnshire.

e) Parish Precept – deadline for submission is 19 January 2018 (see Item 14 a).

f) LALC Training Days – highlight and commend Councillor Training Days.

g) NALC Diversity Commission – highlight and commend local councillor census.

h) SKDC Band D equivalents – highlight. i) ‘Job Centre Near Me’ – highlight.

12) Invoices to be agreed for payment:

a) Parish Clerk Salary – £213.47. It was agreed that this and future salary statements would be scrutinised at future meetings and paid without specific resolution, since salary is already authorised as a condition of the Clerk’s contract.

b) R Dixon-Warren (RBL Wreath) – £17.00. Payment pending appointment of the third cheque signatory.

13) Planning Applications Update: none.

14) Business Items:

a) Budget.

i) Current and business account balances total £ 4969.43. Auditors’ comments require balances to be reduced. Forecast expenditure includes Parish Clerk salary and Parish expenses, Parish Land maintenance and contracts, and tree maintenance. Cost of churchyard maintenance in 2018/19 remains to be confirmed.

ii) It was resolved that a draft budget be prepared for discussion at the next meeting on 6 March 2018 and that the precept be increased by the current rate of inflation (2.9 %). Proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr P Dixon-Warren, all in favour. Action: Cllr J Blackbourn agreed to draft the budget, Parish Clerk to inform SKDC of the precept increase.

b) Parish Land.

i) It was resolved to ratify the maintenance decision made by e-mail in December 2017. This included appointment of Mr Sneath to carry out Phase 1 maintenance (at a cost of up £ 450), and the purchase and erection of a gate and fencing to secure entry to Plot 5 (at a cost of up to £ 500). Proposed by Cllr R Dixon-Warren, seconded by Cllr Bailey, all in favour.

ii) It was resolved to commission the update of the temporary Parish Land policy. This commission to include raising rent to £ 120 per acre per year from 1 April 2018 to bring rents more closely in line with current commercial values, initiating a rent review for Plot 10 (rented to LCC through Savills), and requesting Longstaffs to draw up Farm Business Tenancy and Common Law Tenancy contracts and Grazier’s Licence. Proposed by Cllr Gutsell, seconded by Cllr Bailey, all in favour.

iii) It was agreed that a meeting with tenants / grazier be called to discuss the policy.

iv) It was agreed that Plot 5 be rented out as soon as contracts had been drawn up, and, noting that the decision on tenancy rests exclusively with the Parish Council, that flexibility be incorporated into the updated policy.

c) Haconby Horse Chestnut Tree.

i) It was resolved to commission a specialist report on the tree. Proposed by Cllr P Dixon-Warren, seconded by Cllr B Blackbourn, all in favour.

ii) It was agreed to await the specialist report before canvassing Haconby residents’ opinion on future options for the tree.

d) Parish Guide. It was resolved to review and update the Parish Guide by 6 March 2018 to prepare for adoption at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 1 May 2018. Proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Gutsell, all in favour. Action: Cllr R Dixon-Warren.

e) Maintenance.

i) It was agreed that responsibility for and cost of grass cutting should be clarified with LCC and SKDC, and within the Parish. Action: Parish Clerk.

ii) It was agreed to postpone discussion on the bus shelter to a future meeting. The shelter is currently in satisfactory condition, although work will be required in due course to cut back vegetation.

iii) It was agreed that no discussion on roadworks / drains was required.

iv) It was agreed that discussion on SKDC’s ‘Big Clean’ had been covered under Item 6.

f) Churchyard Maintenance. It was agreed that closer and improving links with the PCC were beneficial. It was noted that the PCC plans to arrange further joint work days to burn ivy and wood cuttings in the churchyard – details follow.

g) Emergency Plan and Community Resilience. LCC / Parish resilience exercise now scheduled for Tuesday 13 February 2018 in the Hare & Hounds at 7 pm. Details to follow. Action: Cllr R Dixon-Warren.

h) Community Cleaner. It was agreed to follow up a possible interested party in Rippingale. Action: Parish Clerk.

15) Any Other Business. Cllrs agreed to support clearance of rubbish from the A15 layby adjacent to Parish Land Plot 5 on Thursday 11 January 2018 at 11:00 am.

16) Date of Next Meeting. Tuesday 6 March 2018 at 7:15 pm in the Hare & Hounds Public House.

The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Minutes Approved 6th March 2018